Friday, August 10, 2007

Dillon Beach with the family. Here is a little sneak peak of our hike down to the beach. Julia in the forground with her board, Harry Potter book and Switchfoot hat. Rachel with her nifty hiking boot pretending she is a gangster. Curtis, cool as ever. Alex with his size 10 flip flops (one of his dissapeared so we spent a fortune at the beach market). Samuel climbing on the monument of Sadaam Husein (jk, Mr. Dillon?). The beach waiting eagerly in the background.

1 comment:

lowercase_cs said...

Julia: Am I too early early for Bro-Am 2008?
Sam: Put your hand down, you're coming with me.
Rachel: This is not my posse!
Alex: Will I ever fit into my size 10 flip-flops? By the looks of Dad, probably NOT.
Curtis: I wonder if Alex will let me wear his size 10 flip-flops. Never mind, they look too big.