Years ago I was driving by my friends house and saw in her driveway an orange highway cone. Out of habit, I slowed down for the cone zone, mostly out of surprise that she had her own cone. I told her about the cone, and she was unsure how the cone appeared in her property. I told her it was a special gift, how it made me slow down, and how I almost felt envious of the cone. We talked at length about it's many uses. I would love my own cone for a few reasons. Laundry piles. I would strategically place the cone between incoming traffic and folded piles. Next, when I am sick, tired or sick and tired, I would place the cone directly outside the bedroom door and make a sign that says, "$2 fine for disrupting the silence around my orange cone". I could use the cone on others. Mostly teenagers. When they are acting teenagery, I will place the cone near their room, work space, dining spot, etc. This orangy beacon will warns the others of possible head on collisions and that all traffic must merge far to the left or right of the cone. Do not collide with this person's perimeter at the peril of your own life and of course, all infractions fines double if you mess with this coned area!
Now, I need multiple cones for the Sabbath Day. I could place them in each room and especially one on the other side of the wall next to my napping head. I could use one right now. A cone about 5 feet away from the computer so people would stop looking over my shoulder while they are muscling down a very slimy taco in my ear.