Sunday, February 8, 2009


Learning styles are fascinating to me. Some people can learn in a variety different ways. You may know that I love to read. I learn a lot from reading books. But actually, I retain very little of what I read. This is why I started a web site. So I could remember what I've read. I'm starting to figure out the Book of Mormon after years of study. Finally!

Some learn through visual or listening. Although I would like to think I am learning during General Conference, the truth is, whether it is on video or the written word, it doesn't stick. Yet, certain messages taught through the spirit have stuck with me over many years.

Sometimes this visual learning block serves me well. I cannot remember movies well, so I can watch them after a few years and enjoy it likes it's the first time.

A large percentage of my retention is through doing and creating! Would that be called a tactile learner? Don't read aloud directions to Monopoly. Let's just start playing and I'll pick it up faster than the guy with the race car. I'll most likely make up some fun new rules too. I cannot remember your phone number if you tell me, but if I look at the phone, next time I'll know exactly which buttons to push. That's why I can call people in the dark.

Math was always easy to me. I rarely read directions, but I could look at an equation and see what needed to be done.

If you read this through, share your aptitoodle! Or if you are a professional, feel free to diagnose me.


Rachel said...

I have to hear things to remember them. I learn better when things are explained out loud...sometimes a few times. I even study out loud, which prolly annoys the heck out of my roommates.

Cindy Jensen said...

I am defitnetly a visual learner I have to see it, telling me really dosen't help me. And if I write it down not someone else writing it but me doing the actual writing is also a huge helpl for me. So when I study I like to write what I am studying for some reason that helps me remember.

mjh said...

I can learn through the spirit by listening. I can remember facts if I read them--over and over again. Megan tries to tell me how to do things on the computer at work. I have to have her write down the steps. Once I do the steps several times, I understand how to do certain tasks on the puter.