Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Flowers, Sewing, and the Salsa

It's harvest time!  Here is what we have growing.  Swiss chard (not sure why), carrots (all over and eaten), basil and other herbs, two varieties of peppers, 5 varieties of tomatoes, blackberries (all made into pies and smoothies),  2 types of squash, okra for Julia and Curtis, and sad to say strawberries that aren't doing well.  We are also the proud parents of six sunflowers, which average around 10 feet tall!  Their circumferences are unbelievable.  This is on of the few that can still hold its head high.

Also here for your viewing pleasure, I am finally finishing up Julia's quilt!  I will hopefully be done by tomorrow morning (when Julia return from YW Camp)  Thanks for all the help Rachel and Nat!

Tomatoes are dripping off the vines! I have been picking about 20-30 a day!  Here are some of the finest on the grill ready to make salsa.

The lovely black somewhat carcinogenic finish will make a fine batch.  I also roasted the jalepenos.

photos by Rachel Marie Stapp


Cindy Jensen said...

I love the quilt, and really want you to teach me how, so my goal this summer is to come over to your house and have you help me:)

~Stappsters~ said...

When can you come?

Rachel said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the finished product :)

Stacie S-H said...

oooh wow that quilt looks so cool! i love the colors. YUM homegrown tomatoes. My mouth waters. My plant is barely surviving and i have no tomatoes on it still :(

Keri said...

I love the blanket. Love the colors, the prints, and the pattern! Thanks for the salsa! It was delicious. Care to share the recipe???

Cindy Jensen said...

I am in Utah right now but maybe this next week. I will let you know. Did she love it?