Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take out the Verbage

Words I prefer not to hear (or say if I can help it). 

Boring, bored:  When people use this word I cringe.  It is a way of saying I don't enjoy the people I am with, the gifts God gives, so just entertain me.   Instead use "the trip was uneventful" or "thank you for this peace and quiet" or "I had plenty of time to think".

Hate:  I had a missionary companion that used this word so much, that I rarely ever say it.  There is too much to love and enjoy.  The source of hate is powerful and leads to misery.  Instead use:  "this is not to my liking" or "instead of the liver and onions I think I will have the chocolate mousse".

Crap (or carp*), Suck and all those other words that pass as non-curse words:  Guard your tongue and what flows out.  These word limit your brain power and leave an ugly impression. Imagine a fine and beautiful woman appearing, then opening her smile to blackened teeth.  It is such a turn off.  Instead use:  "of all things" or "that takes the cake" or "how could that be" or "that is unbelievable"

*Curtis was explaining to us how some of the women at Young Women's Camp were using course language and instead of saying the word he spelled it C-A-R-P.  Carp?    


Keri said...

I so agree! Those words are on the "not okay to say" list in our home. Of course, the "I'm bored" thing? We still hear that one...

cstapp said...

I would like to add the often used request to "shut up."

~Stappsters~ said...

Are you telling me to shut up boy?