Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Come on! Let the Flowers Bloom!

Julia is getting ready for the ACT. Time to see where the homeschoolers on Fremont Street failed. Can't the college just come over here and scout her out like an athlete. How come athletes get a special viewing. I thought that it was a place of higher learning! I doubt the ACT can assess her true height of learning. Looking at the ACT prep, all the great subject she learned are not covered on the test. And of course, she was never timed while she disected that pig fetus!

I guess failure is only in the eye of the ACT board!
We have succeeded by the standards of famed authored Louisa May Alcott

"I never went to school except to my father or such governesses as from time to time came into the family. . . . so we had lessons each morning in the study. And very happy hours they were to us, for my father taught in the wise way which unfolds what lies in the child's nature as a flower blooms, rather than crammed it, like a Strasburg goose, with more than it could digest."


Rachel said...

So you're pretty much saying you think jules is gonna fail?

~Stappsters~ said...

No ra, she will do well, but the ACT will not reveal the true wonders of her blossoming knowledge and beautiful intellect!

Cindy Jensen said...

Well I guess it all comes down to -- you to what you have to do so you can do what you want to do -- right. I think someone famous said that or I heard it on a movie or something. Good luck and make sure your calculator has batteries BEFORE you go!

~Stappsters~ said...

I agree, but there is simple satisfaction in complaining sometimes.

Karilynn said...

I remember taking the ACT... it didn't seem to be about anything I learned in public school. I also was surprised when I moved to Utah my Senior year in high school and found how different the curriculum was. English was very focused on sentence structure and punctuation which I had never really experienced in Cali... they made us take this like 200 question test all on punctuation and I missed 7 which was the highest in all of the senior class.... and I didn't learn any of that in HIGH school... more like elementary... the point is.. when you're brilliant... YOU'RE BRILLIANT!! Any child of yours is a prodigy I'm sure! :o)