Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not without Mom

Julia went to a fast-food restaurant today. This particular on-the-fly-eatery, let's call it M*, is not her favorite (In-N-Out), but someone treated her so she went and she ate. She ordered food off the menu like any normal luncher would. But for some unknown reason, she could not seem to get the main menu item down. Gravity was on her side, but it just was not falling. She managed to down about half and gave up. Next she walked around and did some deep breathing exercises. She was on the edge of truly defying gravity. I heard the whole story tonight as she recounted the scene to Rachel, "I just couldn't throw up without Mom there!" Made me feel so good I think!


Keri said...

Isn't it good to know you are still so needed? :)

April said...

HAHAHA! I love the sneaky logo at the bottom as well...

mjh said...

I love Juliaisms. Marcia