Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Morning At Conference

President Henry B. Eyring (of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) - We promise to become charitable, witnesses of God, and endure to the end. Elder Eyring has the duty to be a Special Witness of Jesus Christ. I adore President Eyring. He is a witness with power and I feel the truth of Jesus Christ as he opens his mouth. Undeniable. Deny yourselves of all ungodliness, then is my grace sufficient...

Drink deeply and often from the pages of the Book of Mormon. It is a true witness that He lives.

Elder Robert D. Hales (of the Quorum of the Twleve) - The Lord exercised his agency to suffer for our iniquities. "My God, my God, why has though forsaken me?" He endured to the end. Why is it the Son of God, the prophets, the pioneers have so many difficulties? Why such terrible tribulation? For what purpose? Our purpose is to grow from our experiences. Test and trials are given to all of us, to see if we will exercise our agency to follow the Son of God. All these things shall be for our good. Half way through the computer went whacko.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton (General YW President) - Fathers, bless the lives of your daughters. Rise up, Oh men of God. How do you raise a girl? Love her mother.

Elder M. Russel Ballard (of the Quorum of the Twelve) - The church is known by Christ name. Retain his name always in your heart. Let others know who we follow, humbly. We can be called Mormon as a people, but we belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Alex: Why do they always have two men playing the organ.
Ben: Because men play the organ better.
Rachel: Because if there were two women they would cuddle (I think Mom said that years ago)
Samuel: Why don't they put a grandma and grandpa together?
Mom: Can't you all just enjoy the music?
Ben: Look Michael Jackson (pointed to one of the choir members)
President Thomas S. Monson (Prophet) - We don't despair over the moral decline, we have the gospel. The laws will not change. The commandments aren't suggestions, the are still applicable. Our code of conduct is definitive, it is not negotiable. Our Father is the same yesterday, today, forever...the same from all eternity to all eternity.

You are entitled to a relationship with Heavenly Father. Inspiration and guidance are gifts he freely gives as we ask, search. Receive, trust, follow the inspiration! Fear not, for I am with thee.

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