Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 3--Spending Freeze

We're on day 3 of the Stapp Family spending freeze. No spending money (at all). This is a total buying haltation. Wondering how long the gasoline and milk will hold out.

Day 1
We survived the first day, but there was a tense moment. I told Julia about the plan the night before. She mentioned she was out of gasoline. "Better go get some now, because tomorrow nada." Next morning, no gas. For the first time ever Julia dug into her own wallet, pulled out a $10 and purchased her own gasoline!

Day 2
We survived day two! But here is the situation. I needed three glow sticks for the Arrow of Light Ceremony I was performing at the church. The scouter expects this as part of his advancement and somebody has misplaced the closet key. I guess I will have to purchase these. I know I will get reimbursed, so maybe it won't count. Just in the nick of time the assistant scoutmaster offers to send his dad to the store. Saved. On to day 3 (today)


Stacie S-H said...

the easiest way for me not to spend money is to be sick so I dont leave the house, dont need to drive or eat much..haha..not the funnest way to go but it works.That, or..CAMP RITCHIE for a week works for not spending money too. Lol. Good luck!

Keri said...

What a great challenge! I don't know how well we'd do...Ez needs gas often due to commuting, but otherwise we'd last a little while...maybe?!