Saturday, January 10, 2009


Curtis received a furlough from Governor Schwarz yesterday. Furlough sounds like such a nice word. Fur is so soft and cuddly. Lough (I looked it up) is a lake. It seems like such a wonderful thought to go down to the lake and wrap up in a nice fur coat. It a fun word to say and rolls off the tongue in such a soft and easy way.

Why don't they (the State of California) use a true defining term for the action like "incursionary derailment" or "despoilment" or "subjugationry". Don't these word sound more like what is happening over here with 10% pay cut. Furlough is just a euphenistic term. Makes us feel ageeable and warm and fuzzy, when really it's time to turn the heater off.

Disclaimer: All words in this entry may or may not be in the dictionary. I really like making new words from other words. It's cheap entertainment and I need some of that right now.


April said...

You make me laugh reading anything from you. I love that you make up your own definitions!

Super LAME about the "Furlough"

mjh said...

Excellently composed. I would like permission to use incursionary derailment in elite professionary circles to impress and then laugh heartily later in secret. Secondly, despoilment would be useful verbage around rotting fruits and vegegables such as the California Legislature.

Cindy Jensen said...

I am sorry about the upcoming incursionary derailment but it was a fun blog to read! And I also really enjoyed MJH's comment. Ha, ha you guys are funny.