Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ending Day 4

Well I feel pretty good about the spending freeze, especially going into fast Sunday.

Day 3
This day went well. It was a Friday and people were getting a little uptight about the lack of ice-cream, but Curtis made a cake with homemade chocolate frosting. I also made 6 loaves of pumpkin bread to feed a mass of boys that invaded the premisis (saving two for visiting teaching).

Day 4 (today)
Curtis slipped out and purchased gasoline at Costco for Julia's car. Ten bucks doesn't go very far, even in a small town. It would be really easy to just throw in the towel, but I give him credit. He took all the kids into Costco and had lunch without buying a single item. Here is what they ate (all in sample sizes); ravioli, kielbasa, salmon with lemon pepper, ice-cream with chocolate sauce, peanut butter sandwiches, cashews, mixed nuts, cranberry juice, Hawaiian rice bowl, chicken pot pie and hoodia diet juice. They came home stuffed to the rafters.

Today Curtis moaned, "Just because I can't spend any money doesn't mean I have to start begging." I think that was after I told him to go ask the neighbors if we could siphon a bit of gasoline from their car. I have a quarter tank left in the van and a half gallon of milk.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Sounds similar to the snacking which we partook of at our Costco today!